It’s hard to imagine a world without information technology, but the healthcare industry is one of the last bastions of archaic ways of doing things. So when you hear about a lockdown in an institution of higher learning, it might seem like another throwback to how things were done decades ago. But while these lockdowns are still something that happen fairly often on college campuses across America (and around the world), they’re also extremely educational for students who want to learn more about IT and other technologies that exist in this day and age. In fact, I’ve even heard from some professors who say that having their classes shut down gives them an opportunity for teaching classes which would not be possible if there were no interruptions in teaching or learning due to areas such as food service or student health services.”
A college student learns during the lockdown.
A college student learns during lockdown – Sarath Maddineni
It’s a common situation: You’re sitting in class, minding your own business when suddenly the door swings open and everyone starts running toward the windows. The room goes silent as people watch their fellow students file out of the building and head for safety outside. You can hear sirens in the distance, but everyone seems calm as they wait for further instructions from teachers or coaches—or maybe even parents! It’s safe to say that this is an exciting time for most students at any college campus around the world (especially so if it involves getting out of class). But what about those who aren’t able to leave their classroom? What happens then?
College students can take advantage of the use of technology during a lockdown.
College students can take advantage of the use of technology during a lockdown.
- Learning: Students will be able to learn from their peers and instructors, who are also using computers and other devices to communicate with each other. This is especially important for young people who do not have family or close friends nearby in an emergency situation.
- Communication: Students may need information about what is happening around them and how they should act if something goes wrong; therefore, it is important that students have access to information from multiple sources at once so that everyone knows what’s going on at once (e.g., “If my school has been locked down due to an active shooter situation outside our building then all faculty members must lock down their offices immediately”). *Communication between faculty members will be crucial because some faculty members may not know exactly where each other are located inside their buildings while others might not even know where each other’s offices are located within those buildings.”
Students also can join or start college clubs during lockdowns.
Students also can join or start college clubs during lockdowns. These clubs are open to any students who want to get involved, and they can help you stay informed about the current events surrounding your school.
You may even find yourself in the middle of a lockdown situation and need an outlet for your energy. If this happens, consider starting up a club with fellow classmates! It’s easy enough—just look for an empty table in the cafeteria during lunchtime and invite them over for some friendly conversation (and snacks).
Students have a lot of opportunities to learn during a lockdown.
- Students have a lot of opportunities to learn during a lockdown.
- Students can learn through technology.
- Students can learn through clubs.
- Students can learn through extracurricular activities, such as sports or academic clubs that meet during the day, but also at night after school when everyone else is gone (and no one will notice).
- Students who are interested in science or engineering often volunteer at the hospital lab after school hours with their classmates, where they work on projects together while learning how things work in real-life situations—and sometimes even get paid for their hard work!
Students have a lot of opportunities to learn during a lockdown. College students can take advantage of the use of technology during a lockdown. Students also can join or start college clubs during lockdowns.