Many students find mathematics to be a nightmare, and the majority of them find it difficult to succeed. On the plus side, it is also a topic where getting a perfect score is attainable. For JEE & engineering applicants, it is an essential subject. Despite this, it is a topic that is adored and respected. The study of mathematics aids a learner in developing logical & thoughtful thinking.
Tips to study Math in class 11:
- Recognize your syllabus: Knowing what needs to be prepared for is the first step in preparedness. The curriculum is crucial in this regard. For the cbse class test, NCERT texts are suggested. The NCERT is considered to be the holy text for CBSE exams, and this is not an exaggeration! Plan your studies according to the weight assigned to each unit in the syllabus by being aware of it. In a topic like calculus try to practice more and more questions.
- Theorems and Formulae: Keep your theorems and formulae in a special register or manual. It is advisable to write down each formula. Additionally, make a note of any necessary graphs for calculus. Also, try to understand how these formulas are derived, this will help you to strengthen your concepts, especially for topics like Permutations and Combinations the formulas are very limited in numbers but how to apply the formulas correctly is much more important. The definition of a permutation is simply “any of the various conceivable orders or arrangements in which a set or number of things may be placed.” Contrarily, a combination is the choice of all or a portion of a collection of objects, regardless of the sequence in which the objects are chosen. So, if you Practice each exercise question for ch 7 class 11 maths then absolutely you will get full marks on this chapter as it is a very easy chapter.
- Say no to mug-ups: It is simple to fall into the mug-up trap, yet it offers little long-term benefit. So, practice using the formulas and theorems for issues, gain an understanding of how they function and learn to solve them on your own. You can even try to turn a problem on its head to see if you can figure out how to solve it.
- How often do you skim over the “Miscellaneous Problems” and “Do It Yourself” exercises that are provided at the conclusion of each chapter? If you want to get an A in math, never miss those. Start working on all of the NCERT textbooks’ problems, both solved and unresolved.
- Practice papers: To obtain a sense of how the questions are phrased in the exam, browse through the CBSE Maths past exam papers. Spend less time on simple issues and more time on convoluted issues. Practice them while keeping in mind the time constraint.
- Deal with your issues head-on: Never put off dealing with issues; do so in a composed manner. The cost of delaying the resolution of complex or large issues may be too high in the future.
- Time management is the most important aspect of board test preparation. It is simple to lose track of time when attempting to solve challenging math questions, thus it is crucial to practice the problems while keeping track of the time. To simulate an exam and gain extra practice in that environment, take online mock exams.
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions or dispel your doubts, no matter how absurd they may seem. Solve the problem now rather than regret it later.
- During the exam, make sure to keep clean paper and margin. Since each step is graded, steps are crucial to solving problems. Make sure the graphs and figures are easy to read and understand. Put the proper labels on them, and always answer routine inquiries first. Avoid writing too much and scribbling. Spend some time editing what you wrote.
This was all about the tips to study maths in class 11. We have discussed each point in detail. I hope this article will help you to score good marks in your exam. If you need more help like study material, ncert solutions, teaching guidance, etc. You can get it from Infinity Learn. It is an online platform that can help to increase your marks in the exam. They will provide you with everything from study materials to study planning. Chapter-by-chapter solutions are available from Infinity Learn both online and offline. The NCERT Solutions for Class 11 are a great resource for Class 11 students who are working hard to achieve their career goals. We’ve organized these solutions accordingly so that students won’t have any trouble understanding and remembering important concepts.